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Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy

Nearly 40% of the general population has diabetes, which can impair every organ in the body. Similar to how it can damage any eye part, People who have uncontrolled blood sugar levels are more likely to experience recurrent eye allergies and boils on their eyelids. Additionally, diabetes might cause cataract to develop earlier than usual.

Retina, the nerve layer of the eye, works similarly to camera film. The retina is where diabetes causes the significant eye defect. The term for this is diabetic retinopathy.

UMA Eye Clinic

People who have long-term kidney problems, high blood pressure, anaemia, or poorly regulated blood sugar levels are at a higher risk of developing diabetic retinopathy.

The early stages of the disease are typically asymptomatic, and an ophthalmologist can only detect the presence of diabetic retinopathy after a comprehensive examination of the eyes. The only time vision is permanently damaged is when the sickness is sufficiently advanced. When they arise, reading difficulties and poor eyesight are the initial symptoms. A severe illness causes a total and permanent loss of vision.

Every person with diabetes has to have their eyes examined at least once each year. Early illness detection and treatment with lasers or injections provide the potential to preserve vision, but advanced disease causes irreversible visual loss. If diabetic retinopathy is detected in its early stages, this loss of vision can be readily avoided.

The latest cutting-edge screening tools, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), dye-free retinal angiography (Angiovue), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), and fundus photography, are available at Uma Eye Clinic.

Modern treatment options at the Uma Eye Clinic include retinal lasertherapy, eye injections (Ranibizumab, Aflibercept), and eye implants (Ozurdex), all of which can be completed as an outpatient operation. The Zeiss Lumera 700microscope and the Alcon Constellation stitchless surgical device are also used to treat advanced retinopathy.

Treatment is administered with simplicity and precision using skilled specialists and cutting-edge technology to produce great and optimistic results.

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