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Dry Eye

Dry Eye

Tears often cover the eye's surface to keep it moist and comfortable. Dry eyes result from inadequate tears, either in quantity or quality. Gritty, burning, red, and uncomfortable eyes are typical symptoms of dry eyes. Ironically, tearing up is another sign of dry eyes. This happens as a result of the dry eye surface stimulating the nerves to tear as a reflex.

When we blink, the eyelids normally shut, emptying away the old tear film to refill the regular tear film. Additionally, about 30 to 40 glands in the eyelids release oily secretions to maintain the tear film when you blink. Infancy has an average blink rate of 8 to 12 blinks per minute, which decreases to 4 to 6 blinks per minute as we age. The tear film dries out between blinks when the eye is left exposed to the air, which causes the symptoms of dry eyes.

UMA Eye Clinic

Blink rates naturally drop to one to two times per minute when paying attention to any thing. Poor blinking or chronic "half blinking" is the outcome of this. This makes dry eye symptoms worse and also keeps the gland's secretions in place. In the long run, this causes the glands to stop functioning and eventually die. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is what this is. 86% of the reasons for dry eyes can be attributed to this.

When reading a book, our eyes are typically more at ease gazing down than when viewing a computer screen at or above eye level, which exposes more of the eye's surface to the environment and causes dry eyes. The eyes slough off more quickly in an air-conditioned setting.

Those who spend a lot of time on computers are more likely to get dry eyes. All computer users must undergo a Meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye evaluation.

Warm compresses and lubricating eye drops are the standard treatments for dry eyes. This is merely a short-term solution.

With recent technological advancements, it is now possible to photograph specific glands with top-of-the-line infrared cameras to ascertain their function. The LIPISCAN equipment also provides data on the health of the glands.

The most cutting-edge and effective method for treating dry eyes is LIPIFLOW. It is a quick, daycare-based process that takes approximately 12 to 15 minutes. The LIPIFLOW treats Meibomian gland dysfunction by applying regulated pressure and heat impulses to the eyelids.

The first place in Tamil Nadu to provide this innovative procedure is Uma Eye Clinic! It can be the only option for treating evaporative dry eye. For those who suffer from dry eye, LIPIFLOW is a very efficient yet straightforward method. This procedure does not need admission. It takes only 12 minutes. All normal routine activities can be resumed immediately after the procedure. The results are promising and the advent of this technology appears as a bliss to individuals with dry eye disorder.

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